How PR Drives Growth

Tying public relations directly to revenue may be difficult, as I wrote in my previous blog, but its value as a critical piece of your company’s communications strategic is undeniable. 

Let’s start with the customer’s journey

Awareness: Houston, I have a problem!

Interest: I will research how to solve this problem.

Desire: This problem is driving me nuts; I need a solution!

Decision time: Which solution is right for my problem?

Purchase: I’ve found the right solution to my problem.

Marketing Cycle

Your business has a solution to this customer’s problem – the best solution! And you’re nudging them toward that solution through what most call the marketing funnel – I call it a cycle, which I’ll demonstrate in a second.

Brand Awareness: Ensure your ideal client knows you exist.

Engagement: Provide actionable information to assure them of your expertise.

Lead generation: Share information that helps you solidify your solution is the right one for them.

Purchase: Close the deal!

But wait there’s more: Who’s your least expensive, simplest next purchase? That’s right – existing clients. You want to continue putting your name in front of them and building loyalty for repeat business, and so the cycle continues.

What’s that got to do with public relations?

Well, I’ll tell you: Everything.

Your company and its experts are regularly quoted in key publications/podcasts/shows with which your ideal audience engages = brand awareness not only through mentions, but also improved search engine optimization

Your experts tell these reporters/podcasters and their audiences ‘smart stuff’ as my son would say = engagement through thought leadership to fuel interest 

You’re sharing this information out in your social media accounts = continued engagement, thought leadership and potentially lead generation

Don’t miss the opportunity to highlight these placements in your client and prospect newsletters and email marketing = continued engagement and lead generation

Because your company is top of mind from all this exposure and/or in a prospect’s social media feed, they visit your seamlessly designed website, built to nudge visitors to learn more through well-placed calls to action = continued engagement and lead generation

Collaborate Across Teams

Involving cross-functional teams that respect each other’s expertise in important to maximizing this strategy. Obviously start with marketing & PR and bring in subject matter experts to help with messaging, as well as looping in sales to ensure everyone is singing from the same page to thread that messaging needle through the entire customer journey. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how it all ties together, schedule time to talk with Sarah!

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